Thursday, August 6, 2009

9 Months Old

Emma had her doctor appointment yesterday for her 9 month check up. Her stats were...height: 29 inches (90th %) and weight: 23 lbs (97th %). At least she is somewhat proportionate. It would be kinda funny if she was 25 inches long and 23 lbs---she would look a bit squishier. At this ripe old age of 9 months Em has learned a lot about herself and this big world around her!
Fearless! Rattlers don't scare me!!!
I am happy just chewing on my "coin".
Emma this is Concrete....Concrete this is Emma

Trav was taking a series of pictures of Emma crawling along the shelf on our sofa table. I guess there was a misstep and Emma went tumbling. You can see her hand trying to catch herself on the back of the sofa, but it was too late...bruise # 101 was formed :)

The next night, Em got introduced to the chair... bruise #102 and 103.
Ah...the important things in life...daddy's wallet and his credit cards :)

Just hanging out...updating her status on Facebook and checking a little email :)


Ashley said...

is that a NES t-shirt i see on miss em?