Precious Girl!
Emma is a month old today. I feel like we just brought her home. She went to the doctor for her 1 month checkup and got a clean bill of health. She is weighing 9 lbs. 13 oz. and is 22 1/4 inches long. She has started to fill out and is showing off her multiple chins :) I am loving the chunks of sleep that she is letting me have--her latest sleep pattern is eat at 11pm, wake at 3:45am and then again at 6:45am.
I decided to use this post to share what I have learned during this first month of motherhood.
1. I can accomplish more now from 6:45am-9:00am than I did in a whole day pre-Emma.
2. I am shocked that I can stare at a single person for hours on end and never get bored.
3. Getting up a couple of times a night to cuddle with Emma is not so bad.
4. Getting peed on and pooped on does not phase me like I thought it would--still waiting for my reaction to vomit :)
5. 3:45am feedings are the PERFECT time to catch up on DVR'd shows, read a couple of chapters in my book, or check email (one handed).
6. Running errands takes a million times longer with a baby.
6. Running errands takes a million times longer with a baby.
7. I have to plan EVERYTHING around her schedule.
8. I hate seeing my baby being passed around like a football in a crowded room.
9. If Travis gives Emma a bottle at 11pm, I can go to sleep at 9:45pm and get a good 6 hours of sleep before her middle of the night feeding. Thank goodness for the pump!!!
10. I never thought I could love anybody as much as I love Emma and that I could possibly love my husband any more than I already did!
She is such a beautiful baby. And as a new mommy as well, I completely agree with everything that you said!
LOVE these photos!
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