Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Let it SNOW!!!!!

Tuesday we got to see snow...lovely, fluffy snow. I can't remember the last time that we saw this much snow in Round Rock, Tx. The kiddos at school had the BEST recess ever as they had snow ball fights and built snowmen. I could not wait to go get Em so that I could see how she would react to playing in the snow. As soon as T got home, we all got wrapped up and headed outside. The backyard had WAY more snow than the front yard, b/c the tree in the front did not lose its leaves.
Em Loved the snow.

Catchin' flakes

Snowflakes resting on her nose...

Mommy and her snow angel

Our neighbors made 3 cute snowmen. Em was very curious about them.
From the front, it looks like we got hardly any snow at all. I had a vision that I would find a winter wonderland when I pulled up to our house. I was greatly disappointed, but felt better when I looked out back.
View from our back gate...this vantage point make it look more wintery.
Bodhi and Emma playing in the snow.
Getting out of the layers of clothes. Travis said she reminded him of the little boy from the Christmas Story---a little squishy.
Out of the blue this morning, I remembered that my mom used to put plastic bags on our feet (0ver our socks) so our feet would not get wet when we played in the snow. So, I decided that I would wrap Em's legs in a small trash bag (cut up the middle) and put sandwich bags over her socks. She stayed nice and dry. Thanks mom for teaching me a long time ago how to take care of my pumpkin on her first snow day!!!
Honey-Comb Cereal...the perfect snack to share with Daddy after a cold and wet afternoon!!!